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3 steps process for usability testing

3 Steps Process for the Usability Testing

An important consideration for test managers is how to integrate usability tests into the software development lifecycle.


A common mistake is to wait until all functional tests are completed prior to starting usability tests, which can result in the late discovery of critical usability defects.


Usability Testing
Usability Testing

The usability test is the main pain for many mobile projects if usability risks ahead,

the test manager should plan for:

Summative usability tests:

– Reviews of user interface specifications and wireframes during system design.
– Evaluate the low fidelity prototypes


Formative usability tests:


– Test the actual implementation.

This is can be quite effective at identifying usability defects that would create significant schedule problems if discovered toward the end of system testing.


Written by: Samer Desouky


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