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Outsourcing Software Testing

Outsourcing Software Testing

Outsourcing Software Testing/Testing as a Service (TaaS) is an outsourcing model in which testing activities associated with some of an organization’s business activities are performed by a service provider rather than an employee.

In fact…

Your testing may vary from test strategy to test planning,

from Functional Testing to test Automation in addition to areas such as

Mobile Testing, Performance Testing, and Penetration/Security Testing.

It is not that easy for any company to build all this expertise.

But with TestPRO you will get a one-point solution and more.

Testing as a Managed Service (TaaMS)

TaaMS is an outsourcing model in which the test organization, processes.

Basic testing activities are outsourced to external providers in the form of managed services to address major testing challenges and achieve optimum results.

TestPRO provides test management from project initiation through to implementation including planning, preparation, execution, reporting, and testing sign-off.

We follow the best practices in Software Testing in order to deliver a great service at the right price.

TestPRO believes in Lean Testing.

LTS (Lean Test Strategy)

We use LTS as an innovative method by the TestPRO team, LTS follows the best practices in software testing to achieve better results.

For this purpose, working from the customer perspective who consumes the service in other words the value is defined as any action or process that a customer would be willing to pay for.

Business Domains:



Oil & Gas


Health  Care

HR Systems

Content Management


Dynamic Testing:

Manual/Functional Testing

Automation testing


Mobile Applications

Desktop Applications

Web Applications

SharePoint Applications

Test Levels:

Integration testing

System testing

Acceptance testing

Static Testing:

Requirements Testing

Generate Test Ideas

Test Conditions

Test Cases

Outsourcing Software Testing Types:

1-Regression Test

2-Exploratory testing

3-Functional testing

4-Usability testing

5-Performance test

6-Security test


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