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Test Automation Selenium with Java

Test Automation Selenium with Java


The Test Automation Selenium is designed for automation testers who have coding skills. This course focuses on creating, executing, and maintaining automation Tests.
This course includes hands-on labs and real testing projects to reinforce practical skills and ensure you’re ready to use the tools on your return to your workplace.

Target Audience

This course is designed for Testers, QC Engineers and QC Leads.


Testers working at least one year in the software testing field.
Testers have good knowledge of programming languages (Preferred Java or C#):
Basic java fundamentals
If statements
While for loops
Variable scope
Classes and objects
Instantiating objects
Overloading & overriding methods

Java and IDE are installed


Test Automation Selenium Outline: 

Session 1:

Intro to SW Test Automation
Test Robots
Where Selenium Fits (Does/Doesn’t)?
Why Selenium is so important?
What is the different selenium Versions?
GUI Test Automation Basics
Why Selenium?
Installations [not including Java nor IDE]
Project Structure
Selenium “Hello World”
Hands on: Hello selenium usual and remote node.

Session 2:
Dealing with basic elements (finding elements).
Basic XPath.
Hands on: Dealing with basic elements.
Test frameworks [TestNG]
Benefits of using test frameworks
Write TestNG basic Tests
TestNG Reports
Driving test from TestNG xml.

Session 3:

XPath and CSS locators.
Issues with new web technologies. [Locating elements, Waiting for events]
Waiting mechanisms.
Asynch sample.[Hands On]
Accessing Complex Elements [Trees, Tables, and Tabs].
Review Web-Driver Commands.
Using JS with selenium
Scrolling an element into view.
Hands on sample.

Session 4:
Implementing full scenario.
Hands on adding another scenario.
Configuring the test execution.
Enhancements [Parameterization, and grouping].
Data driven testing.
Hands on Calculator with multiple data values
Assignment [data driven using CSV/Excel file].

Session 5:
Multiple browser testing.
Screen capturing.
Constructed/Compound Actions
Hands on compound actions.
Switches Alerts & Windows.
Upload files.
Types Of test frameworks.
Advanced Reporting.
Running the test from CLI.


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